Lombok Island, nestled between Bali to its left and Sumbawa to its right, forms part of the massive Indonesian archipelago. There are more than 17,500 islands – let that sink in!

It’s a surfer’s paradise with some of the world’s best waves breaking off its shores, but also boasts incredible beaches, lush forests, and rugged landscapes. This incredible natural beauty is coupled with a rich cultural heritage that is a somewhat unique blend of Islamic and Sasak traditions.

Lombok boasts a laidback atmosphere that makes it the perfect getaway for a relaxing holiday. In contrast, it also serves as the perfect venue for those seeking an adventure-fuelled holiday – think hiking, scuba diving, and surfing.

After a couple of months exploring this small but spicy island, I’ve gone ahead and created this ultimate guide centred on the best time to visit Lombok. 

Why, you ask? So that you, too, can share in the experience of this incredible island and everything that it has to offer. So, sit back, get comfortable, and prepare to fill your mind with images of white sand beaches, crystal clear waters, and to-die-for sunsets!

Best Time to Visit Lombok – May and June

Cheapest Time to Visit Lombok – November to April

Best Time to Visit Mount Rinjani – April – December

Best Time For Sightseeing – April to September

Best Time for the Beach – April to September

Best Time for Gili Islands – April to September

view along selong belanak beach in lombok, indonesia
They don’t call it small but spicy for nothing.
Photo: @danielle_wyatt

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When is the Best Time to Visit Lombok?

Right, so let’s get down to the nitty-gritty – why are we here? Great question! Essentially, I’m here to give you the low down – you know, the inside scoop, my first-hand experience – on things like the best time to go to Lombok, the weather, the cheapest time, etc.

An important thing to note is that when travelling in Indonesia, like much of Asia, you’ll find there are two distinct seasons – the wet season and the dry season. In central Indonesia (Lombok, Bali, and the Gili Islands) the dry season typically runs from April until September. During this time, the weather in Lombok is at its prime and is best for outdoor activities and soaking up the sun on the powdery beaches.

The wet season in Lombok generally runs from late October/November until April and is considered the off-season on the island. While it’s the cheapest time to visit Lombok, it’s easy to see why. The island experiences its monsoon season and is the wettest in November, December, and January.

This being said, the air temperatures remain pretty pleasant, hovering between 28-31°C (82-88°F). The water temperatures rarely drop below 27°C (81°F) which most Western countries would consider amazing during summertime.

a couple standing on rock on the green bukit merese hill facing the sea and a grey yellow sunset in lombok in indonesia
The perfect mix of blue and green.
Photo: Samantha Shea

The shoulder season on the island generally occurs over the months of April and May. The weather in Lombok is slowly transcending from the wet season to the dry season and can be a bit all over the place. The mix of wet and dry weather can make things unpredictable and the temperatures can even be cooler than the previous months.

The peak busy season in Lombok runs from about June until August which coincides with the Northern Hemisphere summer when everyone is off school and work. Things can, and do, get super busy so make sure that you book your plane tickets, boat tickets, and accommodation well in advance. Having a rad guide to Lombok to help you plan your trip is always recommended!

Overall, I’d say that the best time to visit Lombok is between May and June. The crowds are, on average, slightly thinner, but the weather is still great with sunny days and moderate temperatures. There is plenty of daylight to experience all the adventures without the masses that transcend upon the island over the dry season.

When is the Cheapest Time to Visit Lombok?

The low season in Lombok falls between October and around March/April, barring Christmas and New Year’s which get pretty busy. During this time, Lombok experiences its wet season which deters travellers somewhat, generally making it the cheapest time to visit Lombok.

The truth is, Lombok is still epic with somewhat predictable afternoon rains but other than that, it’s blue skies for most of the day. What this does mean though, is that the island is generally a bit quieter and with that comes better prices and deals on accommodation, flights/boat trips and things to do in Lombok.

Another way to nab a deal is to pull that lastminute.com card and wait for a deal to pop up, even during the busier peak seasons. This can be as a result of an 11th-hour cancellation by another tourist which can be super risky for you, but also super rewarding. If you’re the gambling type, it might pay off.

When to visit Lombok – Weather by Month

Right, now the weather impacts when the best time to visit Lombok is – that doesn’t take a NASA engineer to figure out. So, let’s take a look at a breakdown of the weather by month on the island just in case your mind hasn’t been made up and you need some assistance in deciding when to travel.

surf boards on a boat heading out to a surf break in indonesia
Load em’ up and take me to where the waves roll!
Photo: @danielle_wyatt

January in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 31°C, 88°F
  • Rainfall: 15 days

January in Lombok equals the wet season and this means that outdoor activities, beaching, and sunshine are somewhat limited. This being said, it doesn’t actually rain all day and all night – it’s normally only for a small portion of the day.

There aren’t normally that many people around which means resorts in Lombok are rather empty and subsequently, so are most of the attractions. Flights and accommodation are generally pretty cheap, so just make sure you’ve got an umbrella and raincoat and are happy to duck and dive around the rain.

February in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 31°C, 88°F
  • Rainfall: 15 days

The weather in Lombok during February can be much like that in January, with a fair bit of rainfall as a result of tropical monsoons that make landfall. With hot, bearable days and slightly cooler nights, it makes for a great time to visit the island.

With many people getting put off by the rain, Lombok has virtually no crowds. In order to attract business, many accommodation providers slash their prices in half and boat trips and flight prices are often much cheaper.

March in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 31°C, 88°F
  • Rainfall: 15 days

March can be a pretty darn wet month and might not be the best time to visit Lombok. The island gets pretty pummelled by rain, although they are generally short, intense bursts that are followed by sunshine and blue skies.

Again, crowds are much thinner and overall costs remain much lower than during the peak dry season. The tours are also never very full and the prices are low, to try and lure in travellers. It’s also much cheaper to get to and from Lombok during this time, with many people choosing to stay away and rather head to islands like Bali instead of Lombok where the weather is marginally better.

tanjung aan beach at sunrise, view across the surf and over the the hills, lombok, indonesia
Heading to Bali? Nahh, I’ll stay here thanks
Photo: @danielle_wyatt

April in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 32°C, 90°F
  • Rainfall: 12 days

The weather in Lombok begins to change in April and the average number of days of rainfall begins to drop. While there’s still a fair amount of rain about, it’s not as intense and as disruptive as earlier in the year. Travellers start to populate the island again and prices slowly start to climb too. However, you can still score a sweet deal on accommodation options and travel as the demand still isn’t at its peak.

Surf season also begins to kick in during April and the waves around the island start to light up after their sleepy hibernation.

May in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 32°C, 90°F
  • Rainfall: 7 days

May marks the beginning of the dry season as the weather begins to improve substantially and the skies finally start drying up. This coincides with tourists beginning to descend on the island once again – and we all know what that means…

Attractions get busier, accommodation becomes pricier, travel to and from the island gets more costly, and there’s an overall buzz in the air – summer is here! While hotels and other accommodations begin switching to their high-season rates, you can still nab yourself a sweet deal so make sure to keep your eyes peeled.

June in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 31°C, 88°F
  • Rainfall: 5 days

June is considered by many as the best time to visit Lombok as the weather is great and the crowds aren’t in full force just yet. You can expect blue skies, sunny days, and very little rain making for the perfect time to explore the outdoors. I’m talking volcano trekking, beach outings, surfing, and exploring cultural sights – but expect them to be busy!

Prices are also steadily on the rise during the month and it’s unlikely that you’ll find accommodation that offers off-season rates. Travel to and from the island also starts becoming more expensive as the demand begins to increase.

Lombok surf, Selong Belanak beach
Daily dose of sunsets, boards and beers.
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

July in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 30°C, 86°F
  • Rainfall: 4 days

Lombok is at its prime during July – the weather is amazing, there’s hardly any rain, and the ocean is beautifully warm and inviting. It’s the perfect time of year for beaching, snorkelling, swimming, surfing, and exploring the cultural aspects of the island.

It is, unfortunately, busy and expensive, which can be off-putting for many. If you can overlook these negative aspects, you’ll probably end up having the time of your life on the island! You might want to rather go for a more budget-friendly hostel in Lombok.

August in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 31°C, 88°F
  • Rainfall: 2 days

August is a bustling time of year on Lombok – it’s the middle of the dry season with plenty of sunshine, blue skies, and of course, crowds. In fact, it’s largely considered one of the busiest times of the year. Prices are at their highest too with accommodation and general attractions having hiked prices ahead of the influx of tourists.

However, the weather is some of the best you will experience with plenty of sun to catch a tan and warm waters to frolic in. The beaches in Lombok come alive! If you’re a person who thrives on the energy surrounding you, then it’s definitely the time for you.

September in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 31°C, 88°F
  • Rainfall: 3 days

The weather in Lombok is still amazing in September but the crowds begin to thin as kids go back to school. Temperatures are still beautifully warm and the rainfall is low making it ideal for outdoor adventures.

September is still considered high season, so although attractions become quieter, the prices still remain high so you’ll need to plan in advance if you want to nab a great deal!

tampah beach in lombok, golden sand, warungs, bright blue sea and mountains in the background. indonesia
That colour is real, my friends.
Photo: @danielle_wyatt

October in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 32°C, 90°F
  • Rainfall: 9 days

October is the official mark of the rainy season in Lombok. Temperatures still stay rather warm and on average, the rain never lasts too long. While outdoor activities become affected, there’s still plenty to do and see on the island.

The upside is that there are fewer crowds and cheaper prices – the light at the end of the tunnel!

November in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 32°C, 90°F
  • Rainfall: 13 days

The weather in Lombok during November really begins to get, well, wet! The number of visitors thins out significantly and the island gets pretty quiet. But if you’re willing to experience a bit of rain, you’ll be rewarded with cheap prices and no crowds.

Not all is lost, however, as there is generally nice weather and blue skies between the rain that tends to last a few hours at most.

December in Lombok

  • Average Max. Temperature: 31°C, 88°F
  • Rainfall: 17 days

The wet season is in full swing in Lombok during December, with prices slashed and the crowds virtually non-existent. However, Christmas and New Year’s throw a spanner in the works and prices literally hit season rates for that period, so be sure not to travel then!

Mornings are generally pleasant with a brief interruption from the rains during the early afternoon, after which the days tend to return back to how they started.

Best Time to Visit Lombok by Place

Right, now that we’ve spoken about the weather, let’s take a look at some of the top places to visit in Lombok and the best time to visit them!

Best Time to Go to Kuta Lombok

The town of Kuta is found at the very south of Lombok and is widely known for its incredible beaches and plethora of surfing spots too. Backpacking in Kuta is definitely known as more of a surfing town than a partying town and is very much centred on the ocean.

The best time to visit Lombok in order to make the most of its warm waters, blue skies, and incredible weather down in Kuta would be the dry season. This, as we now know, is between the months of May and October. During these months, the conditions are optimal for swimming, diving, snorkelling, and surfing.

If you don’t wish to do any of these activities, then the weather is just as good for lounging on the beach and catching a few rays (of sunshine, not the manta type!).

The beauty of Lombok in general, is that it is less crowded than Bali, particularly on the beaches. The surf spots can get rather busy, however, as many of the waves are quite user-friendly. The world-class wave, Desert Point, gets RIDICULOUSLY busy with surfers from all over the world flocking there in the hope of the wave of their life.

Best Time to Go to Gili Islands

The Gili Islands, although not part of Lombok per se, are synonymous with the island because of their proximity to each other. The islands are comprised of Gili Air, Gili Trawangan (Gili T), and Gili Meno. No trip to Lombok would be complete without visiting the stunning neighbouring islands for a few days.

The most attractive thing about the Gili Islands is that there are no motorized vehicles permitted, which is a huge contrast to the hustle and bustle of places like Bali. The serene islands boast incredible marine life, amazing beaches, and delicious cuisine.

a small boat floating on bright blue turquoise water with the beach and large green trees behind it in gili meno in indonesia on a sunny day
Check out that vis!! You could even spot turtles from above the sea.
Photo: Samantha Shea

While the peak dry season is often regarded as the best time to visit the islands (April to September), it is in fact, a year-round destination. This coincides with the busiest time on the islands so if it’s a quiet and relaxed holiday you’re after, then it’s best you head there outside of these months.

One thing to note in particular when it comes to staying on Gili Air if you’re an avid diver, is that you’re definitely going to want to be there between June and September. The visibility is far superior for diving and snorkelling which is a non-negotiable!

Best Time to Go to Mount Rinjani

Mount Rinjani, in case you were wondering, is an active volcano located in the northern territory of Lombok. I mean, no big deal, right? It is by far one of the most popular volcanoes in Indonesia and thousands of budding tourists set out to trek every year.

Joe doing a thumbs up at the top of Mount Rinjani, indonesia
Just happy to be here.
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

The best time (and only time actually) to trek Mount Rinjani is between the months of April and December. The Rinjani National Park is actually closed between the 1st of January and the 31st of March due to extreme and unpredictable weather during the wet season.

The months of May to July are considered the best months to go to Mount Rinjani, although you’ll generally be sharing it with a few hundred other trekkers at the same time. If you don’t mind sharing, then this is by far the best time to visit.

If crowds aren’t your cup of tea, then I wouldn’t recommend visiting during these months. April and December are considered to be the shoulder months and are generally quieter than peak season. The upside is that there are fewer crowds, but the downside is that you’ll likely experience more rain… Decisions decisions!

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Best Time to Visit Lombok for Parties and Festivals

Now, Lombok isn’t a massive venue for big parties and outdoor festivals of the type we normally know. There are, however, a number of traditional cultural festivals that occur on the island every year, that are unique in nature.

These festivals are held throughout the year and most of them follow the Sasak calendar. Interestingly, the Sasak calendar uses three systems simultaneously – solar for social activities, lunar for religious events, and the stars for season determination.

Let’s take a look at some of these festivals and when the best time to visit Lombok is in order to experience them:

  • Peresean Festival

The Peresean Festival is a yearly event that occurs between the 25th and the 27th of November on the shores of Tanjung An in Central Lombok. This traditional stick-fighting festival takes place with two teams battling it out for the coveted title. The Gladiator-esque fight sees the two teams engaging in friendly combat in which the competitors showcase both their speed and agility.

Each fight consists of three, one-minute-long rounds in which the pepadu (fighter) displays his skills in the ring, armed with a wooden shield and a penjalin (rattan stick). The fights are festive yet competitive, with the primary focus on preserving the culture and traditional art of the Sasak people.

  • Bau Nyale Festival

The Bau Nyale Festival is a tradition for the Lombok people who reside along the southern coastal stretches of the island. The festival is essentially a celebration of the mythical appearance of the Nyale worms (sea worms) along the coastline and sees locals heading out to catch these worms in the shallow waters.

The worms appear once a year, generally around February time, in the middle of the wet season as per the Sasak calendar. There are a whole host of cultural performances, traditional ceremonies, and beachside festivities that tourists can join in on. The Nyale generally appear at Seger and Kuta beach and the event offers great insight into the Sasak cultures and traditions.

  • Sasak New Year (Perang Topat)

The Sasak New Year falls in accordance with the Sasak lunar calendar and takes place annually around November/December. The festival really embodies the essence of traditional Sasak culture as they set out to welcome a year of both renewal and abundance.

There is a whole host of traditional performances and celebrations, and there is a rice cake war that is like no other. This unique battle sets out to purify the community and the entire “harvest festival” aims to bless the crops that are due the following year. It’s an incredibly joyous and fun event that tourists are welcome to join in on to celebrate the spirit of the Sasak culture.

  • Gendang Beleq Festival

The Gendang Beleg Festival is all about Sasak traditions and percussion. Every year around mid-April, one of Lombok’s most famous festivals, Gendang Beleq, graces the tympanic membranes of both locals and foreigners alike with vibrant percussion rhythms.

Large, traditional drums are the centre of attention as they beat and enchant those around, luring them in with traditional beats and dance. Percussion forms an integral part of Sasak heritage and thus, the festival is of cultural significance and not just the mere beating of a drum. There are also traditional dances and performances that accompany the drums and the overall festivity makes it something that cannot be missed!

FAQs About The Best Time To Visit Lombok

Rather ask that burning question than keep it to yourself – chances are, there many others out there that have the same question! Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the best time to visit Lombok:

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Final Thoughts on The Best Time To Visit Lombok

That sadly brings us to the end – but this is really just the beginning! I hope that you now feel equipped with all the necessary knowledge about the best time to visit Lombok and can seamlessly plan your next adventure.

Remember, the best time to go to Lombok comes down to personal preference. You might be attracted to the busyness of peak season, or the desolate island vibes might be more luring. However, whenever you choose to visit this small but spicy island, you’re going to have an epic time – guaranteed.

So, get planning, book that flight, and dust off your passport – Lombok awaits!

a girl standing on a rock wearing a blue and white sarong watching an orange sunset over the seas and cliffs of kuta lombok
See you there, amigo!
Photo: Samantha Shea
Looking for more info on travelling to Lombok and Indonesia?

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