The first thing that springs to mind when I think of Komodo Island is none other than the mighty Komodo dragon, the largest lizard in the world – no big deal, right? But there’s so much more to this tropical paradise than the mighty reptile that graces its shores.

Pulau Komodo, as it is known locally, forms part of the Lesser Sunda chain of islands in the Indonesian archipelago. It’s comfortably nestled between two much larger islands, Flores and Sumbawa, that somewhat overshadow the much smaller Komodo island. But you know what they say – dynamite comes in small islands, or packages (something along those lines…)

The somewhat incongruous landscapes are a mix of lush forests, rugged terrains, and savannas that lure in adventure seekers and wildlife enthusiasts alike. The surrounding ocean waters are crystal clear holding coral reefs within them teaming with marine life – an ABSOLUTE diver’s paradise!

Behold as I present to you the ultimate guide to the best time to visit Komodo Island. From weather and places of interest to month-by-month breakdowns, it’s all here for you in a neatly packaged guide.

So, get ready to discover this UNESCO World Heritage Site and National Park that is Komodo.

Padar Island Viewpoint, Komodo, Indonesia 3
Welcome to PARADISE!
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

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Best Time to Visit Komodo Island – April to June

Best Time to Go to Manta Alley – December to March

Best Time to Go to Pink Beach – April to December

Best Time for the Beach – April to December

Best Time to Visit Komodo National Park – April to June

Cheapest Time to Visit Komodo Island – December to March

When is the Best Time to Visit Komodo Island?

Right, so let’s get cracking and first things first, is what brings us here. Essentially, I’ve created the ultimate one-stop-shop guide centred on the best time to visit Komodo Island on your backpacking Indonesia trip. Why? Well, because I’m a nice person (at least, my mum says so).

Jokes aside, I’ve created this guide to help you prepare for your trip to the magical, somewhat Jurassic Park-esque island that is Komodo. So that you, too, can share in its charm and experience it to the fullest – and not make the same mistakes as many others before you.

Now, off the bat, it’s important to note that Komodo Island, like the rest of the archipelago, and, in fact, much of Southeast Asia, has two distinct seasons. The wet season and, you guessed it, the dry season. Simple, right?

And when are these seasons, you ask? Great question! The dry season runs from April to October and the wet season, aka monsoon season, runs from November to March.

So, this brings up the burning question on everyone’s lips – when should I visit Komodo Island?

The months of April to June are often considered to be the best time to visit the island. It is incredibly lush, spewing hues of vibrant green thanks to the rainy blessings of the wet season.

Whale shark in the ocean in Komodo Island. Ocean Wildlife!
Baby (Whale)shark do do do do do do…
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

But wait, there’s more! During this time, the temperatures are wonderfully pleasant and the nights are fresh and cool. Oh and did I mention the whale sharks? The seas are generally rather calm which makes for the perfect conditions to see these majestic fish in their natural habitat (yes, they are fish!)

The high season runs from July to August and is not regarded as the best time to go to Komodo Island. While the weather is hot and sunny, the island gets busy and prices rise. Accommodation is also generally rather booked up so you’ll need to secure a place well in advance!

The popular budget diving spots also become inundated with tour boats wanting to deliver their clients with the goods and it can become a bit of a bun fight.

October to December can be a pretty good time to visit as the weather in Komodo Island hasn’t hit its worst yet. You can strike it lucky and have wonderful weather with fewer tourists and lower prices – winning!

Finally, the wet season runs from about January to March, bringing with it occasional showers and increased humidity. But the real downer is that boat tours often get disrupted by the rains and water visibility can be poor for diving.

That aside, you can enjoy a much quieter time on the island with lush landscapes and lower prices, which is highly attractive for some travellers. It all comes down to what you want to get out of your experience.

Either way, it’s one of the best National Parks in Indonesia, whenever you visit!

When is the Cheapest Time to Visit Komodo Island?

Right, the most important thing to note about Komodo Island is that it is more expensive than staying in Bali and Lombok. And the reasons behind this are simple.

Komodo Island is a remote destination that is only accessible by boat or plane. This is where Economics 101 comes in – supply and demand. Limited supply, increased demand = higher prices.

Having said that, it is one of the most beautiful places in Indonesia, so it’s easy to see why people want to come here and come here at the right time.

There is only a limited amount of accommodation available due to restrictions on development. Many of the accommodation options are higher end too, meaning, you guessed it, premium prices.

And then there are other factors like the remoteness of diving sites, limited resources available, and of course, conservation fees.

This doesn’t paint a very pretty picture for those looking to budget travel to Komodo Island. However, not all is lost and there are some more budget-friendly times to visit.

The cheapest time in Komodo island coincides with the wet season aka monsoon season aka off-season. I’m sure you can tell why, but I’ll remind you just in case. Less tourists, less demand for travel and accommodation, lower prices to lure people in.

The shoulder season in Komodo, September, October and November, can also be a good time to travel if you’re looking for a good deal. The reasons are much the same as above for why it’s a cheaper time to visit the island.

When to Visit Komodo Island – Weather by Month

Remember, Komodo Island experiences a tropical climate and has the distinct wet and dry seasons that I touched on before. For this reason, each season, and month for that matter, experiences different climatic conditions.

Crystal clear blue water of Komodo Island, Indonesia
Water is as blue as can be in June!
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

Let’s now take a look at a month-by-month breakdown of the weather in Komodo Island to understand better what to expect at any given time of the year.

January in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 32°C, 90°F
  • Rainfall: 23 days

January in Komodo Island is roughly halfway through the wet season and as a result, the island experiences a fair amount of rainfall. That said, the average daytime temperatures are still around 28°C/83°F coupled with fairly high humidity levels.

Rough seas can also mean that diving conditions aren’t favourable as the visibility can decrease somewhat and interisland crossings may be disrupted.

On the plus side, it’s considered off-season on the island and prices for accommodation, travel, and activities are generally lower.

February in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 32°C, 90°F
  • Rainfall: 20 days

The weather in Komodo island during February can probably best be described as warm and muggy. The island experiences a considerable amount of rainfall as well as strong winds and unpleasant seas.

One wouldn’t necessarily describe this as one of the best times to visit the island for outdoor and sea-based activities, but again prices are low and there are fewer tourists around. Some tours also opt not to run during the month given the adverse weather conditions.

This being said, it is possible to luck out on the weather and get some rather decent days in between and the island is incredibly lush during this time.

March in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 33°C, 91°F
  • Rainfall: 18 days

While March is very much still in the wet season, Komodo Island tends to get less rain compared to mainland Flores.

The average daily temperatures still hover between 27°C/80°F and 29°C/84°F, again being best described as warm and muggy with higher humidity levels.

On the plus side, Komodo dragons tend to be more active during March making it a great time to visit if you’re looking to see the large reptiles.

April in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 33°C, 91°F
  • Rainfall: 13 days

April is considered the start of the dry season and the weather in Komodo island is rising. The nights are generally rather cool and fresh too, making it an overall pleasant time to visit.

There is far less rainfall and the weather is typically sunny, making it a great time of the year for outdoor activities such as diving, snorkelling, and hiking.

Black tip reef shark in Komodo Island, Indonesia
POV: Snorkelling in Komodo Island
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

In fact, April is often regarded as one of the best times of the year to visit the Komodo National Park to witness the mighty lizards in their natural habitat.

I’d recommend packing a good pair of hiking boots. Komodo Island is home to some epic hiking trails. In case you’re interested, my favourite hiking boots are KEEN Targhee II Waterproof Mid-Hiking Boots.

May in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 33°C, 91°F
  • Rainfall: 8 days

The dry season is in full swing during May and average daily temperatures hover around the 28°C/82°F mark. This time of year can also mark the start of the windy season but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

The Northern and Central regions of Komodo start coming alive and offer some of the most amazing diving opportunities. While manta ray sightings are generally on the down due to warming waters, the rest of the coral reefs are buzzing with abundant marine life.

Think postcard-perfect water conditions with waters displaying vibrant hues of blue – it really is a magical time of year in, on, and under the water!

June in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 32°C, 89°F
  • Rainfall: 5 days

The weather in Komodo island in June is downright pleasant, with warm, sunny days and relatively low humidity levels.

The number of tourists on the island is steadily on the rise as the diving conditions get even better. I’m talking water temperatures of around 29°C/84°F and visibility of up to 30+ meters. This does, however, mean that popular dive sites can get pretty crowded and can make for an unpleasant experience.

Komodo dragons are also in their mating season in June as a result, sightings can be a lot less. So, plan accordingly if you want to see the mighty lizards in all their glory.

Up close of a Komodo Dragon walking in Komodo Island, Indonesia, wildlife
This guy has NAILED the Baywatch walk.
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

July in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 32°C, 89°F
  • Rainfall: 3 days

The good news about July on Komodo Island is that it is one of the driest months that the island experiences, with only a few days of rainfall, on average.

What does this mean? Plenty of sunshine and blue skies are on the cards! Doesn’t sound like it gets much better than that!

Unfortunately, with this amazing weather comes hoards of tourists and Komodo islands experience its high season at this time. Komodo dragons are also in their mating season so they’re harder to spot. If that’s one of the main reasons for your visit, I’d consider travelling at a different time of year.

August in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 33°C, 90°F
  • Rainfall: 3 days

August is still part of the high season on Komodo Island, so it’s a combination of high prices, busyness, and wonderfully hot and dry weather.

While diving conditions in the central and northern stretches of the island are still off-the-charts, expect a fleet of other dive boats all wanting in on the action. This being said, there are still plenty of great diving opportunities in Komodo outside of the peak tour boat times and you can find a slice of uncrowded water earlier or later in the day.

September in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 34°C, 93°F
  • Rainfall: 2 days

September is the official start of the shoulder season and may just be the best time to visit Komodo Island. The daytime temperatures are still wonderfully hot but haven’t quite maxed out yet like in the months ahead.

The nighttime temperatures can also be comfortably cooler thanks to the southeast monsoon blowing which is a welcomed phenomenon.

The beauty of September is that you can get amazing diving conditions without the crowds. The high tourism season is over and you can enjoy things being just that little bit quieter – bliss!

October in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 35°C, 95°F
  • Rainfall: 4 days

October can, and does, get very hot, with some of the hottest temperatures experienced during the month.

It also marks the arrival of the Manta rays back to the central parts of the island, which is a big plus for many diving enthusiasts. Along with calm seas and much quieter dive sites, it can really be an epic time of year on the island.

It’s also the perfect opportunity to start exploring a bit further south of the island as the focus shifts away from the central and northern stretches.

November in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 35°C, 95°F
  • Rainfall: 14 days

Along with October, November is one of the hottest months on Komodo island and you can expect temperatures to reach 35 – 37°C (95 – 99°F). The average nighttime temperatures, however, rarely drop below 23°C (73°F).

November also marks the official start of the wet season, with the average number of rainfall days steadily on the rise. While the island experiences its yearly seasonal changes, it opens up other areas of exploration and during this time, most of the National Park is accessible.

December in Komodo Island

  • Average Max. Temperature: 33°C, 92°F
  • Rainfall: 20 days

December is often regarded as the best time to go to Komodo Island if you want to avoid the crowds. Pushing further into the wet season, rainfall does occur but is usually not too heavy at this point. You can expect occasional showers but nothing too heavy.

The first couple weeks of the month see hardly any tourists visiting the island and southern dive spots really start coming to life. The northern stretches of the island start to experience rough seas at this time which results in poor visibility and less favourable diving conditions.

Best Time to Visit Komodo Island by Place

Right, now that we’ve got the weather and the cheapest time to visit Komodo Island out the way with, let’s focus on some of the specific places to visit.

I’ve picked a few locations that are synonymous with Komodo Island and when the best times to visit them are. Let’s take a look!

Best Time to Go to Manta Alley

Manta Alley is by far one of the most iconic dive sites in the entire Komodo National Park and it’s easy to see why. Located at the southern end of the island, the area is comprised of small rocky islands found a few hundred metres off the shore.

The site is both a mating area and a cleaning site for the majestic mantas as they gather up to 50 strong on good days! Interestingly, the mantas glide over the coral reef and small butterfly fish and wrasse rid them of parasites that attach to their bodies.

manta point aerial view
Spot the Mantas.
Photo: Ralph Cope

Aside from mantas, there are a whole host of other marine species including larger wrasse, trevally, and multiple shark species. It really can be described as an underwater spectacle that every diving enthusiast should witness.

The best part of it all? You can witness the mantas in all their glory throughout the year, as water temperatures rarely drop below 20°C (68°F). Although your best chance to dive with multiple rays at the same time is in the wet season, between December and March.

Remember, like any popular attraction, it can and does get super busy so try to get there outside of the busy times, like early morning or late afternoon.

Best Time to Go to Komodo National Park

Komodo National Park not only encompasses Komodo Island, but a further 28 islands too! Rinca and Padar are the two larger islands with a further 26 smaller islands making up the national park.

Now, if anyone were to ask me if the park is worth visiting, I’d provide them with a short, simple answer – ABSOLUTELY! The park is absolutely stunning, with incredible natural beauty, sweeping views, amazing beaches, and of course, home to the mighty Komodo Dragon.

up close of a Komodo Dragon chilling in Komodo Island, Indonesia, wildlife
Scary boi
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

The best time to visit Komodo National Park falls over the months of April to June. It’s during this time that the area is at its most lush, following the wet season’s blessings from the sky. While July and August are hot and sunny, they’re also busy and expensive so you might want to avoid them!

The national park gleams with all shades of green, daily temperatures are wonderfully comfortable, and the seas are calm. It’s even the perfect time for the possibility of a whale shark sighting so be sure not to miss that!

However, if it’s the mighty Komodo Dragon that you’re eager to see, then the best time to visit would be between April and October. Bear in mind, the large lizards are in mating season between June and August so sightings might be a bit less during that time.

Best Time to Go to Pink Beach

Pink Beach or Pantai Merah as it’s known locally derives its name from, well, just that – it’s a beautifully pink beach found on the shores of Komodo Island. The beach gets its pink colour from fragments of red coral that combine with the white sands, resulting in a pastel pink hue.

It’s one of about ten pink beaches that are found around the world, with another being on Lombok Island not far from Komodo.

Friends on Pink Beach, Komodo Island, Indonesia
Pink beach boys
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

Aside from attracting people with its picture-worthy scenery and of course, massively Instagrammable photo opps, the beach offers more than just pink sands. The waters are wonderfully warm and turquoise, with very gentle waves that make it perfect for cooling off and swimming.

It’s also the perfect location for a spot of diving or to dabble in some snorkelling, with the corals being in pristine condition – a rare sight these days. The reefs are teeming with marine life, thousands of species of fish, and of course, many species of soft and hard coral.

And of course, be sure to visit Pink Beach during the dry season (April to December) to take full advantage of its picturesque scenery and warm waters. But be prepared to share it with others as this does coincide with the peak season on the island!

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Best Time to Visit Komodo Island for Parties and Festivals

Right, now it’s important to note that Komodo Island isn’t, by any means, a massive party location. As I mentioned at the beginning of the article (but I’ll remind you again because I’m nice like that) Komodo Island is rather isolated.

As a result, it takes an effort to get there and as a result, it’s not as busy as staying in Lombok or anywhere near as busy as Bali. Things are generally a bit quieter and there’s not much in the line of hardcore drinking and partying.

Padar Island Viewpoint, Komodo, Indonesia 2
Viewpoints for days!
Photo: @joemiddlehurst

There are, however, some local cultural festivals on Komodo Island and the surrounding islands that draw in locals and foreigners alike. Experiencing a cultural festival in Indonesia is a must on your travels.

Let’s take a look at some of the most popular festivals and the best time to visit Komodo Island if you wish to experience them:

  • Komodo Festival

By far the most popular event on the island, the Komodo Festival happens annually during the month of March. The event takes place in Labuan Bajo, largely considered to be the gateway to Komodo National Park.

The festival aims to celebrate three main things – natural beauty, cultural heritage, and the biodiversity of the Komodo National Park. There are a whole host of cultural activities coupled with music, food stalls, and traditional dance performances.

Travellers can also get involved in events such as hiking adventures and diving trips that aim to celebrate the natural wonders of the park.

  • Tado Traditional Boat Race

Next up is the Tado Traditional Boat Race held annually in September in the town of Labuan Bajo. The event entails the racing of traditional wooden boats known as phinisi. These traditional boats are built by local craftsmen and are beautifully constructed works of art.

The whole event has an incredibly vibrant and buzzing atmosphere that goes much deeper than just the boat race. While the race itself is both colourful and spirited, there are also a whole host of other cultural performances, music, and of course, food stalls to go along with the festivities.

  • Wae Rebo Festival

Last but not least, is the Wae Rebo Festival which takes place annually in the month of April. While not technically a Komodo island festival, it’s an iconic local festival in the western stretches of Flores Island in close proximity to the Komodo National Park.

The festival takes place in the mountainous village of Wae Rebo and celebrates the culture of the local Manggarai people. Visitors can expect both cultural performances and traditional ceremonies as part of the festival. As an added bonus, visitors are also able to participate in local cooking and weaving.

Don’t Forget Your Komodo Island Travel Insurance

Unfortunately, things can go wrong when you least expect it. This is why good travel insurance is essential before you head on your trip to Komodo Island.

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FAQs About the Best Time to Visit Komodo Island

Now let’s look at some of the most commonly asked questions about the best time to go to Komodo Island:

Final Thoughts on the Best Time To Visit Komodo Island

Right, that’s all she wrote! While this may be the end of the article, it’s just the start of your adventure to discover Komodo Island and all it has to offer.

I hope you’ve got many takeaways and that I’ve, in some way, shape, or form, helped you decide when the best time to visit Komodo Island is for you. Remember, it all comes down to personal preference when you choose to visit, and regardless, you’re going to have an epic time!

Komodo Island and the rest of the national park are full of adventures that are waiting for you to grab by the horns! So book that flight to Indonesia, secure that boat trip, and get ready to discover the land of the mighty Komodo Dragon.

Komodo Island Komodo Dragon Crossing sign
Safe travels, buddy!
Photo: @joemiddlehurst
Looking for more info on travelling to Komodo Island and Indonesia?

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